Picked-up this link from Nina's blog. This is why I can never be Iris or Pia.
For those who don't know, Iris majored in Piano in college -- she is a naturally artistic soul -- just one look at her and you see that she doesn't just walk, she glides.
Pia, on the other hand, is a Mass Comm major -- she was the one who got Jeff interested in Photography.
Me, when I took my college entrance tests, I applied to be a Math major -- as in BS Math -- and got accepted in all the schools I applied and even got a scholarship offer. I did it, not just because I loved Math, but also to make it easier to decide which school to go to -- para hindi na issue yung course. Goes to show how "logical" I am.
Of course, on the 1st day of college, I immediately went to the Guidance Office and asked to shift courses -- realizing that I won't have time to party and socialize if I stayed in BS Math!
This is why I love scrapbooking (and even cake decorating -- and come to think of it, my past-life in Consumer Marketing). Having always been "part-nerd", I never considered myself creative, and being able to do all this, is just mind-boggling for me. But, ever the nerd, I have an Excel file that has all my scrapbooking purchases -- itemized, regular price, purchase price, % discount, shipping cost, FX rate; and purchases are totaled by month, by store, etc. When I was still working, I used to thrive on making Excel files with numerous links and formulas to automatically calculate everything when a change is made.
Sometimes I fool myself into thinking I am artistic, then one of these personality/IQ tests come along and wake me from my dream.
Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence |
 You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things. Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments. You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it. You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.
You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician. |